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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to Motors Started
B00m 01s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to Assisted Takeoff
C00m 01s0.0 ft0 ftTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyReturn-to-Home Altitude:98FT
D00m 03s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
E00m 59s107.9 ft187 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
F01m 15s69.9 ft463 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
 01m 57s104.7 ft1,385 ft
90% Battery
G02m 18s134.2 ft1,903 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
H02m 33s164.7 ft2,249 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
I03m 40s158.8 ft2,674 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
 03m 53s165.7 ft2,808 ft
84% Battery at maximum distance
J04m 05s183.4 ft2,619 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
 04m 31s174.5 ft2,021 ft
80% Battery
K05m 29s247.0 ft1,051 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution (repeated 2 times)
L05m 56s234.6 ft715 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
M06m 46s198.2 ft674 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution
N07m 00s200.5 ft536 ftModeMode changed to Atti
O07m 01s201.1 ft537 ftWarningSatellite positioning off. Fly with Caution
P07m 01s201.1 ft538 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
 07m 17s186.0 ft436 ft
70% Battery
Q07m 38s246.1 ft490 ftModeMode changed to Atti
R07m 39s258.2 ft491 ftWarningSatellite positioning off. Fly with Caution
S08m 15s344.2 ft1,256 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 16.3 seconds
T08m 16s344.2 ft1,261 ftWarningBattery Error
U08m 16s344.2 ft1,281 ftWarningSatellite positioning off. Fly with Caution
V08m 22s374.3 ft1,432 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
W08m 49s227.4 ft1,234 ftWarningLarge Wind Velocity. Fly with caution (repeated 2 times)
 09m 37s184.4 ft581 ft
60% Battery
X10m 53s20.0 ft5 ftModeMode changed to Confirm Landing