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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to Motors Started
B00m 00s0.0 ft0 ftWarningThe aircraft is in a Warning Zone (Class D). Fly with caution here
C00m 01s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to Assisted Takeoff
D00m 09s0.0 ft2 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
E00m 10s1.6 ft2 ftTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyHome Point Recorded. RTH Altitude: 30m
F00m 20s31.2 ft36 ftWarningWarning:[IMU]heading exception (In Flight) please switch to atti mode if craft behave abnormally
G00m 29s78.1 ft129 ftModeMode changed to Atti
H00m 29s78.1 ft129 ftWarningWarning:Compass Error. Exit P-GPS Mode
I00m 34s109.3 ft301 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
J00m 49s258.9 ft557 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
K00m 49s258.9 ft557 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
L00m 49s259.8 ft557 ftModeMode changed to Atti
M00m 49s259.8 ft557 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
 00m 57s335.0 ft633 ft
90% Battery
N01m 08s378.9 ft797 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
O01m 08s378.9 ft797 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
P01m 08s378.9 ft799 ftModeMode changed to Atti
Q01m 08s378.9 ft799 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
R01m 45s412.7 ft1,478 ftWarningWarning:Command Timeout
S01m 53s412.4 ft1,641 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
T01m 53s412.4 ft1,641 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
U01m 53s412.4 ft1,652 ftModeMode changed to Atti
V01m 53s412.4 ft1,652 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode (repeated 3 times)
W01m 59s409.4 ft1,773 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
X01m 59s409.4 ft1,773 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
Y01m 59s409.4 ft1,776 ftModeMode changed to Atti
Z01m 59s409.4 ft1,776 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
a02m 02s409.4 ft1,839 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
b02m 02s409.4 ft1,839 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
c02m 03s409.4 ft1,851 ftModeMode changed to Atti
d02m 03s409.4 ft1,851 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode (repeated 2 times)
e02m 03s409.4 ft1,863 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
f02m 04s409.4 ft1,880 ftModeMode changed to Atti
g02m 05s409.4 ft1,897 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
h02m 06s409.4 ft1,903 ftModeMode changed to Atti
i02m 06s409.4 ft1,911 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
j02m 06s409.4 ft1,913 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
k02m 06s409.4 ft1,913 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
l02m 07s409.4 ft1,936 ftModeMode changed to Atti
m02m 08s409.4 ft1,948 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
n02m 08s409.4 ft1,959 ftModeMode changed to Atti
o02m 09s409.4 ft1,971 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
p02m 11s409.4 ft2,005 ftModeMode changed to Atti
q02m 11s409.4 ft2,009 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
r02m 11s409.4 ft2,013 ftModeMode changed to Atti
s02m 12s409.4 ft2,029 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
t02m 13s409.4 ft2,051 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
u02m 13s409.4 ft2,051 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
v02m 13s409.4 ft2,053 ftModeMode changed to Atti
w02m 13s409.4 ft2,053 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
x02m 14s409.4 ft2,066 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
y02m 14s409.4 ft2,066 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
z02m 14s409.4 ft2,074 ftModeMode changed to Atti
A02m 14s409.4 ft2,074 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
B02m 15s409.1 ft2,097 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1.2 seconds
C02m 15s409.1 ft2,097 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
D02m 15s409.1 ft2,097 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
E02m 17s409.4 ft2,127 ftModeMode changed to Atti
F02m 18s409.4 ft2,143 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
G02m 20s409.4 ft2,187 ftModeMode changed to Atti
H02m 22s409.4 ft2,214 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
I02m 23s409.4 ft2,230 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
J02m 23s409.4 ft2,230 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
K02m 23s409.4 ft2,235 ftModeMode changed to Atti
L02m 23s409.4 ft2,235 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
M02m 25s409.4 ft2,267 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
N02m 25s409.4 ft2,267 ftWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
O02m 25s409.4 ft2,273 ftModeMode changed to Atti
 02m 26s409.4 ft2,288 ft
80% Battery
P02m 27s409.4 ft2,308 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1 seconds
Q02m 27s409.4 ft2,308 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
R02m 28s409.4 ft2,322 ftModeMode changed to Atti
S02m 28s409.4 ft2,334 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
T02m 31s409.1 ft2,397 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1.8 seconds
 02m 31s409.1 ft2,399 ft
80% Battery at maximum distance