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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 m0 kmModeMode changed to Motors Started
B00m 00s0.0 m0.00 kmTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Return-To-Home altitude to 120m (394 ft). This is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyData Recorder File Index is 2. This is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Maximum Flight Altitude to 500m (1640 ft)
 00m 00s0.0 m0.00 km
100% Battery
C00m 01s0.0 m0.00 kmModeMode changed to AutoTakeoff
D00m 02s0.3 m0.00 kmTipPunto de origen grabado. Altitud de punto de origen: 120M
E00m 04s1.1 m0.00 kmModeMode changed to P-GPS
F00m 24s1.1 m0.00 kmTipPunto de origen grabado. Altitud de punto de origen: 120M
G01m 54s121.0 m0.40 kmLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantLa altitud de vuelo supera los 120. Esto puede infringir la regulación local. Debes contar con la autorización del espacio aéreo oportuna (repeated 6 times)
 02m 15s132.7 m0.63 km
90% Battery
 04m 34s133.0 m0.46 km
80% Battery
 06m 52s178.8 m0.40 km
70% Battery
 07m 55s178.0 m0.89 km
66% Battery at maximum distance
 09m 14s98.9 m0.45 km
60% Battery
 11m 12s132.4 m0.62 km
50% Battery
 13m 22s104.4 m0.27 km
40% Battery
 15m 43s36.1 m0.19 km
30% Battery
H16m 39s61.6 m0.03 kmTipLuz auxiliar inferior encendida
I17m 23s5.8 m0.00 kmTipLuz auxiliar inferior apagada
J17m 24s5.8 m0.00 kmTipLuz auxiliar inferior en automático
K17m 39s0.7 m0.00 kmModeMode changed to Confirm Landing
L17m 43s0.0 m0.00 kmModeMode changed to P-GPS