Metric / Imperial

Signal Map

Signal Score




Found rate of change in the compass of 25 degrees or more per 0.1 seconds.
That's about a 90 degree turn in a third of a second, which is not normal.

This can be a result of extremly strong winds, a crash into an object or a bad compass.

 Flight timeAltitudeHome DistanceCompass Turn
Rate Per 0.1s
A01m 01s76.1 ft   345 ft27.5
B01m 01s73.8 ft   342 ft33.0
C01m 01s72.8 ft   339 ft41.7
D01m 01s71.8 ft   339 ft52.8
E01m 01s68.6 ft   335 ft70.0
F01m 02s67.6 ft   335 ft33.2
G01m 02s66.6 ft   334 ft68.2
H01m 02s63.3 ft   329 ft65.1
I01m 02s62.3 ft   328 ft48.5
J01m 02s61.4 ft   327 ft60.0
K01m 02s58.4 ft   329 ft31.3
L01m 03s57.4 ft   329 ft66.1
M01m 03s56.4 ft   330 ft42.8
N01m 03s50.2 ft   331 ft60.0
O01m 03s48.9 ft   332 ft26.9
P01m 03s47.2 ft   332 ft49.1
Q01m 03s44.6 ft   331 ft47.7
R01m 04s43.0 ft   331 ft65.2
S01m 04s39.4 ft   333 ft150.1
T01m 04s35.1 ft   336 ft74.8
U01m 04s29.2 ft   339 ft44.7
V01m 05s19.0 ft   341 ft94.6
W01m 05s14.1 ft   344 ft120.8