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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
B00m 00s0.0 m0 mTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Return-To-Home altitude to 30m (98 ft). This is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyData Recorder File Index is 102. This is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Maximum Flight Altitude to 300m (984 ft)
C00m 00s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to Motors Started
D00m 00s0.0 m0 mTipN/A
E00m 00s0.0 m0 mTipGPS signal weak. Geo-awareness function degraded. Fly with caution (Code: 1B070001). This is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyAircraft not in flight. Vision systems and obstacle avoidance disabled (Code: 180059) (repeated 3 times)
F00m 01s0.0 m0 mWarningGPS signal weak. Geo-awareness function degraded. Fly with caution (Code: 1B070001)
G00m 01s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to Assisted Takeoff
H00m 02s0.0 m0 mWarningGPS signal weak. Geo-awareness function degraded. Fly with caution (Code: 1B070001)
I00m 02s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
J00m 02s0.0 m0 mWarningGPS signal weak. Geo-awareness function degraded. Fly with caution (Code: 1B070001) (repeated 5 times)
K00m 05s0.4 m1 mModeMode changed to Detour
L00m 06s0.5 m1 mWarningGPS signal weak. Geo-awareness function degraded. Fly with caution (Code: 1B070001) (repeated 4 times)
M00m 44s18.3 m101 mTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyHome Point updated (Code: 3000001)
N00m 50s25.4 m179 mTipStrong wind warning
O00m 50s25.4 m179 mMedium RiskMedium severity, more serious safety impactStrong wind warning. Aircraft unable to return to home automatically. Lower altitude immediately and return to home manually (Code: 30149) (repeated 6 times)
P00m 55s30.8 m241 mMedium RiskMedium severity, more serious safety impactStrong wind warning. Aircraft unable to return to home automatically. Lower altitude immediately and return to home manually (Code: 30149) (repeated 5 times)
Q01m 00s34.2 m308 mMedium RiskMedium severity, more serious safety impactStrong wind warning. Aircraft unable to return to home automatically. Lower altitude immediately and return to home manually (Code: 30149) (repeated 5 times)
R01m 05s35.2 m371 mMedium RiskMedium severity, more serious safety impactStrong wind warning. Aircraft unable to return to home automatically. Lower altitude immediately and return to home manually (Code: 30149) (repeated 3 times)
 02m 29s47.1 m620 m
90% Battery
S04m 18s62.2 m579 mTipRC signal interference
T04m 18s62.2 m579 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantRemote controller in high interference environment. Manually adjust flight route or return to home (Code: 80014) (repeated 5 times)
 06m 04s52.9 m877 m
81% Battery at maximum distance
 06m 08s53.3 m862 m
80% Battery
 09m 19s17.6 m83 m
70% Battery