Metric / Imperial

Signal Map

Signal Score




Found rate of change in the compass of 25 degrees or more per 0.1 seconds.
That's about a 90 degree turn in a third of a second, which is not normal.

This can be a result of extremly strong winds, a crash into an object or a bad compass.

 Flight timeAltitudeHome DistanceCompass Turn
Rate Per 0.1s
A07m 46s311.3 ft   163 ft49.8
B07m 47s305.4 ft   162 ft71.3
C07m 47s299.9 ft   161 ft61.3
D07m 47s294.3 ft   160 ft71.7
E07m 47s289.0 ft   158 ft82.6
F07m 47s284.4 ft   157 ft86.1
G07m 48s279.9 ft   157 ft75.1
H07m 48s275.6 ft   155 ft60.6
I07m 48s271.7 ft   154 ft51.3
J07m 48s267.7 ft   153 ft41.6
K07m 48s264.4 ft   152 ft36.7
L07m 49s261.5 ft   151 ft35.5
M07m 49s257.9 ft   150 ft34.2
N07m 49s253.3 ft   150 ft33.0
O07m 49s249.0 ft   150 ft32.4
P07m 49s245.4 ft   150 ft31.5
Q07m 50s241.8 ft   150 ft30.2
R07m 50s238.2 ft   150 ft30.0
S07m 50s234.6 ft   150 ft27.1
T07m 50s231.0 ft   149 ft25.4
U07m 51s223.4 ft   151 ft27.0
V07m 51s219.5 ft   153 ft25.8
W07m 51s215.9 ft   156 ft26.5
X07m 51s212.6 ft   159 ft28.4
Y07m 51s209.6 ft   162 ft30.3
Z07m 52s206.7 ft   163 ft30.2
a07m 52s203.4 ft   164 ft30.1
b07m 52s197.2 ft   164 ft34.1
c07m 52s193.9 ft   165 ft36.0
d07m 53s190.6 ft   166 ft54.1
e07m 53s188.3 ft   167 ft86.8
f07m 53s186.7 ft   168 ft47.9