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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A03m 21s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to Motors Started
B03m 21s0.0 ft0 ftTipTips Taking Off
C03m 21s0.0 ft0 ftWarningThe aircraft is in a Warning Zone (Class B). Fly with caution here
D03m 22s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to AutoTakeoff
E03m 22s0.0 ft0 ftTipTips Taking Off
F03m 25s3.3 ft1 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
 04m 42s84.3 ft46 ft
80% Battery
 07m 11s16.4 ft633 ft
71% Battery at maximum distance
 07m 24s42.7 ft582 ft
70% Battery
G09m 12s390.1 ft189 ftTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyWarning:Max Flight Altitude Reached. Adjust in Main Controller Settings if necessary
 09m 57s289.4 ft611 ft
60% Battery
H10m 11s287.7 ft584 ftModeMode changed to Atti
I10m 11s287.7 ft584 ftWarningWarning:Satellite Positioning Off. Fly with caution
J10m 14s285.1 ft550 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
K10m 30s310.4 ft501 ftWarningWarning:[compass]magnetic interfered (In Flight) please switch to atti mode if craft behave abnor
L10m 43s310.4 ft472 ftWarningWarning:[compass]magnetic interfered (In Flight) please switch to atti mode if craft behave abnor
M11m 20s170.9 ft150 ftWarningWarning:[compass]magnetic interfered (In Flight) please switch to atti mode if craft behave abnor
N11m 27s101.7 ft113 ftWarningWarning:[compass]magnetic interfered (In Flight) please switch to atti mode if craft behave abnor
O11m 43s23.0 ft98 ftWarningWarning:[compass]magnetic interfered (In Flight) please switch to atti mode if craft behave abnor
P11m 51s18.0 ft39 ftWarningWarning:[compass]magnetic interfered (In Flight) please switch to atti mode if craft behave abnor
Q12m 22s2.6 ft26 ftModeMode changed to Confirm Landing
R12m 22s2.6 ft26 ftTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyObstacle Avoidance will be disabled in landing. Fly with caution