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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to Motors Started
B00m 01s0.0 m0 mTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Return-To-Home altitude to 70m (230 ft). This is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Maximum Flight Altitude to 500m (1640 ft)
 00m 01s0.0 m0 m
100% Battery
C00m 01s0.0 m0 mTipВзлёт
D00m 01s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to AutoTakeoff
E00m 02s0.4 m0 mTipТочка ДОМ записана, Высота возврата:70M
F00m 13s5.7 m0 mTipДля фокусировки коснитесь экрана
G00m 14s6.5 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
H03m 01s64.5 m92 mTipДля фокусировки коснитесь экрана
 03m 09s64.5 m92 m
90% Battery
I03m 13s64.5 m92 mTipДля фокусировки коснитесь экрана
J04m 08s64.7 m109 mWarningРадиус от: 5-500m
K04m 29s64.7 m98 mTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyСтарт точки интереса
L04m 29s64.7 m98 mModeMode changed to GPS HotPoint
M04m 31s64.7 m98 mTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyСтарт точки интереса
 04m 41s64.8 m126 m
86% Battery at maximum distance
N04m 52s64.9 m99 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
O05m 35s64.7 m101 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 2 times)
P05m 35s64.7 m100 mTipПуть домой пересекает бесполётную зону.Следите за коптером во избежании проблем
Q05m 35s64.7 m100 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 48 times)
R05m 40s64.7 m74 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 12 times)
S05m 42s64.7 m67 mWarningSpeed Error (repeated 7 times)
T05m 44s64.6 m70 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 11 times)
U05m 46s64.8 m69 mModeMode changed to Atti
V05m 46s64.8 m69 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 6 times)
W05m 46s64.8 m67 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 2 times)
X05m 46s64.8 m66 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error. Сильные магнитные поля. Выход из P-GPS режима
Y05m 47s64.7 m65 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 35 times)
Z05m 50s64.6 m29 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 32 times)
a05m 54s64.0 m14 mWarningSpeed Error (repeated 2 times)
b05m 54s63.9 m14 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 4 times)
c05m 54s63.7 m15 mWarningSpeed Error (repeated 3 times)
d05m 55s63.6 m16 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 4 times)
e05m 55s63.6 m17 mWarningSpeed Error (repeated 18 times)
f05m 57s62.9 m22 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 15 times)
g05m 58s61.4 m26 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 13 times)
 06m 00s60.1 m29 m
80% Battery
h06m 00s60.0 m29 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 48 times)
i06m 05s58.7 m36 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 47 times)
j06m 10s58.7 m47 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 48 times)
k06m 15s52.7 m29 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 48 times)
l06m 20s38.4 m21 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 47 times)
m06m 25s25.8 m21 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 21 times)
n06m 27s23.4 m23 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 49 times)
o06m 32s13.8 m12 mWarningYaw Error (repeated 2 times)
p06m 33s13.2 m11 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
q08m 49s7.5 m9 mModeMode changed to Joystick
r08m 49s7.5 m9 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
 08m 49s7.5 m9 m
70% Battery
s09m 23s6.9 m48 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantCompass Error (repeated 19 times)
t10m 15s6.8 m75 mWarningЦель потеряна.Поиск...
u10m 15s6.8 m76 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
v10m 16s6.8 m76 mModeMode changed to Joystick
w10m 16s6.7 m77 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
x10m 25s6.8 m77 mWarningЦель потеряна.Поиск...
y10m 25s6.8 m77 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
z10m 25s6.8 m77 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
A10m 29s6.8 m77 mWarningЦель потеряна.Поиск...
B10m 29s6.8 m77 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
C10m 40s6.9 m76 mModeMode changed to Joystick
D10m 40s6.9 m76 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
E10m 40s6.9 m76 mWarningЦель потеряна.Поиск...
F10m 40s6.9 m76 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
G10m 44s6.9 m76 mModeMode changed to Joystick
H10m 44s6.9 m76 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
I10m 44s6.9 m76 mWarningЦель потеряна.Поиск...
J10m 44s6.9 m76 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
 11m 45s8.3 m113 m
60% Battery
K14m 18s10.3 m8 mModeMode changed to Sport
 14m 34s11.6 m11 m
50% Battery
L15m 10s12.9 m9 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
M15m 38s4.0 m2 mTipПосадка
N15m 38s4.0 m2 mModeMode changed to AutoLanding
O15m 38s4.0 m2 mWarningСнижение.Отключение видео сенсоров
P15m 40s3.6 m2 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
Q15m 57s2.1 m2 mModeMode changed to Confirm Landing