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"Lighting environment too dark. Vision System unavailable. Fly with caution (Code: 180037)"

Current Worldwide Frequency


Severity: Low Risk

   Low severity, impact on safety is likely not significant


Vision systems rely on a certain amount of light to function properly. When your environment is too dark, the vision sensors will not be able to see and avoid obstacles.

In addition, the hovering stability of the aircraft may be negatively affected as the vision system plays a large role in keeping the drone stable.

Other Versions

"Ambient light too low. Vision system and obstacle sensing unavailable. Fly with caution (Code: 180037)"
"Not Enough Force/ESC Error. Ambient light too low. Vision system and obstacle sensing unavailable. Fly with caution (Code: 180037)"
"Not Enough Force/ESC Error. Lighting environment too dark. Vision System unavailable. Fly with caution (Code: 180037)"

Drone Types

DJI Air 2S
DJI Mavic Air 2
DJI Mavic Mini
DJI Mini 2
DJI Mini 2 SE
DJI Mini 3
DJI Phantom 4 RTK

Historical Worldwide Frequency
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2 votes, posted 3 years ago
"In addition, the hovering stability of the aircraft may be negatively affected as the vision system plays a large role in keeping the drone stable."

NEVER overlook this advice!
Posted one year ago
What issue did you have with hovering? My Mavic 3 Pro has a night mode and I am just learning some night flight skills. With the lights on the drone and my 3 nm light beacon it is very easy to follow. I haven't had any issues with the hoving yet.
Posted one year ago
My comment is over two years old. There were quite a few issues back then, especially if the aircraft had no AUX light on the bottom.
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