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Uploading certifications

Feature availability


You can now upload your pilot training certifications to your AirData account with ease. AirData's system automatically detects and extracts key information such as issue dates, expiration dates, and registration numbers from PDF and photo certificates. This information is then populated in your pilot profile.

 Watch related AirTime session
 Seamless Certification Management  

Upload methods

There are three ways to upload a certificate to AirData:

1. Automatic upload by training school:

  • If AirData has an integration with your training school, the school can automatically send your certification to AirData on your behalf.

2. Email upload:

  • Send an image or PDF of your certificate to, an automated email address.

  • You will receive an email from AirData confirming the status of your certification.

  • If the email you use to send the certificate is registered with an AirData account, the certificate will automatically be added to that account. If the email is not registered, you will receive an email notification from AirData. You can reply to this email to specify the account where the certificate should be uploaded to.

  • AirData uses the last name on the certificate to verify the account that the certificate should be uploaded to. If the last names do not match, see FAQ #7 below for the steps to bypass verification.

  • If recognized, the certificate will appear under MY LOGS -> MY CERTIFICATES and in the My Account -> My Documents tab of your pilot profile. For certain certificates, fields like issue date, expiration date, and registration number will be automatically filled in.

  • If not recognized, the certificate will still appear in the My Documents tab and you'll receive an email indicating that the certificate is not recognized. Please respond with a brief description of the document so AirData can update its supported documents list.

  • See the FAQ section below for the two types of automatic action AirData can take.

3. Manual upload:

  • Upload the certificate directly through the My Account -> My Documents tab in your pilot profile.

  • If recognized, the relevant fields will be auto-filled, and the certificate will also appear under MY LOGS -> MY CERTIFICATES.
  • See FAQ #6 for actions taken when the last name on the certificate does not match the name on the AirData account.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: Is the ability to upload certifications to AirData a new feature?
    A: The ability to upload documents was previously available for Enterprise subscribers. The new features include automatic detection and extraction of information from certifications, and the ability to email certifications to

  2. Q: Which plans support the uploading of certifications?
    A: All AirData users can upload certifications. However, storage capacity quotas vary by plan.

  3. Q: My organization conducts internal training and issues certifications. Can these be detected by AirData?
    A: Yes, this is available as an add-on feature to our Enterprise plan. For more information, please email

  4. Q: I am a training provider. How can I integrate my certificates with AirData?
    A: It's easy! For information about the onboarding process, please email

  5. Q: What are the automatic actions taken when uploading certifications?
    A: There are two types of automatic actions (only available for selected certificates):
         1. Updating the pilot registration and expiration under My Account -> Personal Info.
         2. Setting the expiration date of the document under My Account -> My Documents.

  6. Q: What happens if the last name on my certificate does not match the name on my AirData account when manually uploading?
    A: When manually uploading a certification under My Account -> My Documents, if the last name on the certificate does not match the name on your AirData account, no automatic action will be taken to set the pilot registration and expiration. However, AirData will set the document expiration and document type automatically (for selected certificates) regardless if the last name matches.

  7. Q: What should I do if my last name on the certificate does not match the name on my AirData account when emailing the certificate?
    A: If the last name on your certificate does not match your AirData account name, you will receive an email stating that your AirData account could not be identified. Reply to this email with your registered AirData email address in the body of the email. This will bypass the last name verification and allow the system to set your registration number and other information as if the names matched.

Comment Section Sort by:
Dylan Ray
Posted 8 months ago
Is there a list of the 185 certifications?
Tom AirData
1 vote, posted 8 months ago
Hi Dylan,

Thank you for posting this question.

We currently do not have a full list of certifications that are auto-detected. This is something that our developers have considered adding at a later date.
Our team continuously adding to the list, however, so please look for the number of supported certifications to grow.

If you upload a certification file and find that it is not supported, please let us know at
We would be happy to implement support for that credential.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
AirData Support
Posted 4 months ago

Where is a list of certifications you support?
Teresa Banuelos
Posted 4 months ago

Thank you for writing with this question.

We currently don't have a published list of supported certifications. However, if you're unsure whether we support a specific certification, please feel free to email an image or PDF of the certificate to, which is an automated address.

If your certificate is not recognized, it will still appear in the My Documents tab, and you'll receive an email letting you know that it was not recognized. You can then respond to that email with a brief description of the document so AirData can update its support for the certification.

Thank you again for your feedback, and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at

Kind regards,
AirData Support
Emanuel João Augusto Sanches Tavares
Posted 2 months ago
Good afternoon,

I would like to inform you that I have already tried to upload my Drone Piloting and Drone Surveying certificates to the platform, but an error occurred during the process. I am attaching the certificates so that they can be added directly.

Please note that the certificates are in Portuguese, as I reside in Cape Verde, and the Drone Surveying course was completed with DroneEng, in Brazil.

Thank you for your attention, and I remain available for any further clarification.

Best regards,
Teresa Banuelos
Posted 2 months ago

Thank you for writing with this question.

To assist you further, could you please email us directly at In your email, please include the certificates as attachments. Our team will be happy to take a closer look and provide the necessary support to ensure your certificates are added to your account.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Kind regards,
AirData Support
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