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QR Codes for Equipment Management

Feature availability

QR codes provide AirData users with a range of equipment management features.
Unique QR code labels can be downloaded from AirData, printed, and attached as stickers to the equipment.
Each QR code is assigned to a piece of equipment, helping fleet administrators track equipment activity and chain of custody.

Example of a QR code label:

1. Overview
2. Assigning a QR Code
3. Lost and Found Chat
4. Checking Out/Checking In Equipment
5. Logging Maintenance
6. Creating and Printing AirData QR Codes
7. Upcoming Features

 Watch related AirTime session
 Drone Checkouts and QR Codes  


Pilots and fleet managers can scan their organization's AirData QR codes using their mobile device cameras.
Scanning a QR code from your own organization will provide the following functions:

1) Lost and found functionality;
2) Equipment check in/check out;
3) Maintenance logging;
4) Defect reporting (upcoming).

If someone outside of your organization scans your QR code, they will be presented with a lost and found dialogue.
This will allow them to send a private, anonymous message to your account reporting the loss of your organization's equipment.

Assigning a QR Codes to Items

When a QR code is scanned for the first time, AirData will ask if you want to assign the code to an item.

To assign the QR code to an item,
1. Select “Choose a drone for this QR”,
2. Select a drone from the dropdown menu,
3. Click “Link QR to this drone."

Once the QR code is assigned, additional user options become available.

QR code assignment for sensors and other attachments are currently in development.

Lost and Found Chat

QR codes attached to drones provide a lost and found function that is available to all tiers of Airdata users.
If someone from outside of your organization’s AirData account finds and scans your QR code, you will receive an email alert.
This email will inform you that your equipment has been scanned, will provide the approximate location of the scan, and give you the option to message whoever scanned the QR code.

The location of the scan will also be recorded in the ASSIGNMENT -> "Usage History" tab for that piece of equipment on

Depending if the person messaging has enabled precise location permissions on their device, we record either the approximate location (IP address based, in orange below), or the exact GPS location (in yellow below) where the QR code was scanned at:

Whoever scans the QR code can also reach out to you via a private, anonymous chat system in AirData.
Messages are automatically deleted after seven days.

If they choose to send a message via the QR code menu, you will receive an email alert specifying the drone that was found.

Checking Out and Checking In Equipment

Scanning a QR code from your organization’s AirData account will present you with a menu of available actions.
With each scan, an alert will be sent to any users on the "Ownership" tab of the scanned equipment.

Tap “Check Out/Check In a Drone" -> "Check Out This Drone" to take custody of this drone in your organization's inventory.
Pilots can also check out drones from the EQUIPMENT -> DRONES page of

Once checked out, a drone can be checked back in via QR code or from the EQUIPMENT -> DRONES page of

All activity for the drone is logged in -> EQUIPMENT -> DRONES under the individual drone’s "Assignment History" and "Pilot Usage History" tabs.
This is aimed at helping pilots and fleet administrators create a clear chain of custody and increase accountability for compliance.
You can read more about this feature in our help article here:
The ability to check out a complete equipment kit, with items such as batteries and sensors, is currently in development.

Logging Maintenance

To log maintenance for a drone, perform the following steps:

1. Scan the QR code for the drone,
2. Tap Perform Maintenance,
3. Select the type of service to record,
4. Populate the maintenance log,
5. Tap Complete Service.

Your service should now be reflected on -> EQUIPMENT -> MAINTENANCE

Creating and Printing AirData QR Codes

Custom QR Codes with the AirData Asset Management Add-on
AirData Enterprise customers with the Asset Management add-on can generate and print custom QR code labels from the QR CODES dashboard in AirData.
To create a custom QR code for printing, head to -> EQUIPMENT -> QR CODES -> "Robust QR Code template"

Learn more about customizing AirData QR code labels here:

Generic QR Codes with AirData Free to Enterprise
A generic QR code generator is currently in development and will be available to all AirData customers.

Upcoming Features

AirData’s QR code and asset management features are currently in active development.
Upcoming features include the ability to:

A) Report equipment defects, and
B) Assign QR codes to a greater range of equipment such as sensors and various drone payloads.
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