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Pix4D on iOS

Feature availability

Upload instructions

The latest version of Pix4D now supports to detailed logging for Airdata. Please follow the instructions below to upload these log files.

Click here for Android instructions


We will look at how to:

  1. Upload flight logs from a PC using iTunes
  2. Upload flight logs from a Mac

1) For PC

  1. After flying, connect your phone/tablet to your computer and open iTunes, then click on the phone/tablet icon".

  2. Then click on File Sharing in Settings.

  3. Then click on the Pix4Dcapture app in the File Sharing App list.

  4. In the Pix4D Capture document select the "SDK_logs" folder that contains the logs files. Then click on the "Save To.." button on the bottom right (you may need to scroll down to view it).

  5. In the pop window select the folder where you want to save the SDK_logs folder.

  6. Once your flight logs are saved on your computer, go to to upload them to Airdata.
    Here is an example of what to look for: DJIFlightRecord_2021-03-01_[11-15-07].txt

  7. Drag and drop your flights into the drop box area or click and select them from the pop-up window.

  8. Then click on "Upload Flights" to upload them to Airdata.

  9. Once uploaded, click on "Continue to flights" to view them.

2) For Mac

Connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer, open the "Finder" application, and select your iOS device under "Locations."

ios device finder

Select "Files" and click on the arrow next to Pix4D Capture—this will expose the folders contained in Pix4D Capture.

select dji flight app for manual upload

Next, drag and drop the "SDK_logs" folder to a location on your computer. The flight logs you will upload to AirData are contained in the SDK_logs folder. Example log: DJIFlightRecord 2020-02-12 12-47-531 txt

drag and drop flightrecords

Once your flight logs are saved on your computer, go to to upload them to AirData.

drag and drop flightrecords

Comment Section Sort by:
Posted 3 years ago
What if I used Pix4DMapper on an iOS iPad Mini but only have a Windows Desktop PC?
Trevor Hall
Posted 3 years ago
Hello, we would recommend installing iTunes on your PC: – you will then be able to connect your iPad with your PC and retrieve your Pix4D logs as outlined in this help article. If you have any additional questions, feel free to send an email to

AirData Support
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