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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to Motors Started
B00m 00s0.0 m0 mTipTips Taking Off
C00m 00s0.0 m0 mTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Return-To-Home altitude to 120m (394 ft). This is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetySetting new Maximum Flight Altitude to 120m (394 ft)
D00m 01s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to AutoTakeoff
E00m 01s0.0 m0 mTipTips Taking Off
F00m 04s1.1 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
G00m 07s1.2 m0 mWarningWarning:Weak GPS signal. Positional accuracy may be compromised. Please fly with caution
H00m 28s16.3 m0 mTipCache Space Full
I01m 48s46.5 m0 mModeMode changed to Atti
J01m 48s46.5 m0 mWarningWarning:Satellite Positioning Off. Fly with caution
 02m 10s55.0 m0 m
90% Battery
K02m 36s57.8 m0 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantStrong Interference to Remote Controller. Signal interruption maybe more likely. Fly with caution.
L03m 30s82.3 m0 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 9.8 seconds
M03m 57s108.3 m0 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1 seconds
N03m 57s108.3 m0 mWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
O04m 02s108.3 m0 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1 seconds
P04m 02s108.3 m0 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
Q04m 02s108.3 m0 mWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
R04m 02s108.3 m0 mModeMode changed to Atti
S04m 02s108.3 m0 mWarningWarning:Abnormal compass function or GPS signal detected. Aircraft switched to ATTI mode
T04m 04s108.3 m0 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1 seconds