Metric / Imperial

Signal Map

Signal Score




Signal Strength Map - green is good signal, orange is fair, red is poor and purple is very poor. The uplink and downlink data is obtained from the flight log. The map colors are based on the lower signal value of either uplink or downlink:

  Download color coded Signal Strength KML
 Flight timeAltitudeHome Distance Uplink SignalDownlink Signal
A00m 30s17.3 m   0 m81%81%
B01m 00s20.4 m   0 m59%59%
C01m 30s16.5 m   29 m62%62%
D02m 00s28.5 m   63 m89%89%
E02m 30s32.0 m   21 m85%85%
F03m 00s46.7 m   38 m65%65%
G03m 30s82.2 m   120 m70%70%
H04m 00s117.9 m   202 m66%66%
I04m 30s168.5 m   247 m57%57%
J05m 00s189.4 m   137 m51%51%
K05m 30s143.8 m   113 m39%39%
L06m 00s131.4 m   61 m57%57%
M06m 30s121.2 m   123 m34%34%
N07m 00s116.8 m   89 m56%56%
O07m 30s116.8 m   71 m49%49%
P08m 00s102.0 m   34 m43%43%
Q08m 30s72.1 m   34 m42%42%
R09m 00s42.2 m   34 m57%57%
S09m 30s30.4 m   19 m78%78%
T10m 00s12.1 m   11 m62%62%
U10m 30s0.0 m   8 m96%96%
V10m 31s0.0 m   8 m100%100%