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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
00m 00s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to Motors Started
00m 00s0.0 ft0 ftTipTips Taking Off
 00m 00s0.0 ft0 ft
100% Battery
00m 01s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to AutoTakeoff
00m 01s0.0 ft0 ftTipTips Taking Off
00m 03s3.6 ft0 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
00m 06s14.1 ft0 ftWarningMax Altitude Approached. Wait for the GPS satellite signal recovery before ascend.
00m 21s12.5 ft0 ftWarningWarning:Home Point not Recorded
A00m 32s14.1 ft0 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
B00m 33s14.1 ft1 ftWarningThe aircraft is in a Warning Zone (Class C). Fly with caution here
C00m 34s13.8 ft1 ftTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyHome Point Recorded. RTH Altitude: 30m
 02m 25s371.1 ft54 ft
90% Battery
 04m 38s371.1 ft1,118 ft
80% Battery
 06m 50s529.2 ft1,643 ft
70% Battery
D08m 03s570.9 ft2,385 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
E08m 29s571.5 ft3,020 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
 09m 10s571.2 ft3,220 ft
60% Battery
F09m 15s572.2 ft3,217 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
G10m 10s571.5 ft3,773 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
H10m 10s571.5 ft3,781 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
I10m 13s571.8 ft3,821 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
J11m 02s590.9 ft4,462 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
K11m 02s590.9 ft4,463 ftLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantStrong Interference to Aircraft. Signal interruption may be more likely. Fly with caution.
L11m 20s591.5 ft4,626 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
M11m 21s591.5 ft4,640 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
N11m 25s591.5 ft4,702 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
O11m 25s591.5 ft4,711 ftLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantStrong Interference to Aircraft. Signal interruption may be more likely. Fly with caution.
 11m 26s591.5 ft4,726 ft
50% Battery
P11m 45s589.2 ft5,108 ftLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantStrong Interference to Aircraft. Signal interruption may be more likely. Fly with caution.
Q11m 53s589.9 ft5,249 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
R11m 56s589.9 ft5,314 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
S11m 56s589.6 ft5,324 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
T12m 10s589.9 ft5,565 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
U12m 11s589.6 ft5,581 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
V12m 12s589.9 ft5,593 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
W12m 12s589.9 ft5,598 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
X12m 13s589.9 ft5,608 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
Y12m 15s589.6 ft5,633 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
Z12m 16s589.6 ft5,640 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
a12m 16s589.6 ft5,650 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
b12m 48s589.2 ft6,024 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
c12m 48s589.2 ft6,024 ftTipTips Aircraft is returning to the Home Point. Minimum RTH Altitude is 30m. You can reset the RTH Alt
d12m 57s590.9 ft6,070 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
e12m 57s590.9 ft6,070 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
 13m 00s591.2 ft6,073 ft
42% Battery at maximum distance
f13m 00s591.2 ft6,073 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
g13m 01s591.2 ft6,072 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
h13m 02s591.2 ft6,072 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
i13m 02s591.2 ft6,072 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
j13m 11s590.5 ft6,047 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
 13m 11s590.5 ft6,046 ft
40% Battery
k13m 12s590.5 ft6,044 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
l13m 20s592.5 ft6,003 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
m13m 21s592.5 ft6,003 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
n13m 21s592.5 ft6,003 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
o13m 22s592.5 ft6,004 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
p13m 46s593.2 ft5,994 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
q13m 47s593.5 ft5,992 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
r13m 47s593.2 ft5,991 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
s13m 48s593.2 ft5,991 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
t13m 49s593.2 ft5,987 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
u13m 49s593.2 ft5,987 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
v13m 50s593.5 ft5,986 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
w13m 50s593.5 ft5,985 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
x13m 51s593.5 ft5,983 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
y13m 52s593.5 ft5,982 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
z13m 53s593.5 ft5,978 ftLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantStrong Interference to Aircraft. Signal interruption may be more likely. Fly with caution.
A14m 01s593.2 ft5,931 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1.1 seconds
B14m 01s593.2 ft5,931 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
C14m 01s593.2 ft5,931 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
D14m 01s593.2 ft5,929 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
E14m 03s594.2 ft5,920 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
F14m 07s593.8 ft5,895 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
G14m 08s594.2 ft5,890 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
H14m 09s594.2 ft5,882 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
I14m 10s594.2 ft5,872 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
J14m 12s594.2 ft5,854 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
K14m 12s594.2 ft5,847 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
L14m 13s594.2 ft5,837 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
M14m 13s594.2 ft5,833 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
N14m 14s594.2 ft5,828 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
O14m 15s594.2 ft5,822 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
P14m 15s594.2 ft5,815 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
Q14m 15s594.2 ft5,815 ftLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantStrong Interference to Aircraft. Signal interruption may be more likely. Fly with caution.
R14m 23s594.8 ft5,736 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 8.3 seconds
S14m 24s594.8 ft5,734 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
T14m 35s595.8 ft5,623 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
U14m 35s595.8 ft5,619 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
V14m 36s596.1 ft5,614 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
W14m 38s596.1 ft5,609 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
X14m 39s596.1 ft5,607 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
Y14m 40s595.8 ft5,606 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
Z14m 41s595.8 ft5,606 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
a14m 43s595.8 ft5,605 ftLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantStrong Interference to Aircraft. Signal interruption may be more likely. Fly with caution.
b16m 51s598.4 ft4,538 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 127.4 seconds
c16m 51s598.4 ft4,536 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
d16m 51s598.4 ft4,532 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding
e16m 51s598.4 ft4,532 ftTipTips Critically Low Power. Aircraft Landing
f16m 54s590.9 ft4,531 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
g16m 54s587.9 ft4,531 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding
h16m 55s575.5 ft4,532 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
i16m 56s566.6 ft4,532 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding
j16m 57s557.1 ft4,533 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
k17m 06s465.5 ft4,532 ftData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 9 seconds
l17m 06s465.5 ft4,532 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding
m17m 07s459.6 ft4,533 ftLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantWarning:The remaining battery is only enough for RTH. Return home now.
n17m 07s457.7 ft4,533 ftWarningWeak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.
o17m 09s442.6 ft4,532 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect