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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
B00m 02s-0.3 m0 mModeMode changed to Assisted Takeoff
C00m 02s-0.3 m0 mTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyReturn-to-Home Altitude:200FT
D00m 06s-0.9 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
 01m 36s37.0 m530 m
80% Battery
E02m 01s38.7 m902 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
F02m 02s40.1 m902 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
G02m 11s83.4 m902 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
H02m 11s85.7 m902 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
I02m 33s87.2 m1,157 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
J02m 35s86.7 m1,175 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
K02m 36s86.7 m1,176 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
L02m 39s87.2 m1,177 mWarningSignal Lost. Aircraft is returning home.
M02m 40s87.2 m1,178 mModeMode changed to Go Home
 02m 40s87.3 m1,178 m
75% Battery at maximum distance
N02m 42s87.2 m1,177 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
O02m 42s87.3 m1,177 mModeMode changed to Go Home
P02m 43s87.3 m1,177 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
Q02m 45s87.3 m1,174 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1.3 seconds
R02m 46s87.1 m1,169 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1.1 seconds
S02m 59s87.4 m1,048 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1 seconds
T03m 17s87.3 m867 mModeMode changed to Go Home
U03m 18s87.3 m854 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
V03m 20s87.3 m838 mModeMode changed to Go Home
W03m 40s87.1 m638 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
X03m 42s87.1 m615 mModeMode changed to Go Home
Y03m 45s87.1 m587 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1.8 seconds
 03m 45s87.1 m587 m
70% Battery
Z03m 49s87.2 m547 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
a03m 52s87.2 m520 mModeMode changed to Go Home
b04m 44s87.1 m13 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
c04m 49s87.2 m3 mWarningSignal Lost. Aircraft is returning home.
d04m 50s87.2 m2 mModeMode changed to AutoLanding
e04m 50s87.2 m2 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
f04m 57s83.7 m2 mModeMode changed to AutoLanding
g04m 59s77.3 m2 mModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
h05m 03s67.0 m2 mModeMode changed to AutoLanding
i05m 18s26.1 m2 mData LossLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantDownlink data connection lost for 1.4 seconds